The architect and designer Zdeněk Rossmann was a member of the Brno chapter of Devětsil from 1923-1927 and studied at the Bauhaus in Dessau in 1928-1929. Rossmann designed the cover for the compilation Fronta, produced by Brno Devětsil in 1927 and the volume Nový Dům in 1928, which concerned the design and construction of an experimental housing colony. Both cover designs reflect avant-garde aesthetics of the time with the incorporation of typography into designs based on simple shapes. The book Civilisovaná Žena (The Civilized Woman) was produced in conjunction with an exhibition held in Brno in 1929, which aimed to present how the modern 'civilized' woman ought to dress. Rossmann worked on the both the design of the exhibition and the accompanying book including the striking photomontage cover. The volume Žena Doma (Woman at Home) accompanied an exhibition of modern housing held in Brno in 1929 that focused on the design and layout of interior spaces.

  1. Fronta, Mezinárodní Sborník Soudobé Activity (The Front : International Review of Contemporary Creativity). Brno: Edition Fronta, 1927
  2. Civilisovaná Žena : Jak se Má Kultivovaná Žena Oblékati (The Civilized Woman : How Should a Cultured Woman Dress). Brno: J. Vaněk, 1929
  3. Žena Doma (Woman at Home). Brno: Knihovna letáku kulturní informace index, 1929
  4. Nový Dům (New House). Brno: Tisk. Kramerius, 1928

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