The artist and illustrator Toyen (Marie Čermínová) joined the Devětsil group in 1923 but lived in Paris from 1925-29. Although involved in the creation of Devětsil Constructivist works and "Pictorial Poems" early on, Toyen is known as one of the predominant Czech Surrealists and was a founder of the group in 1934. She was a prolific book designer and illustrator, designing several hundred books in her lifetime. The examples presented here display both her commitment to Surrealism as well as the influence of the design of the publisher Družstevní práce and Ladislav Sutnar.

  1. André Breton, Spojité Nádoby (Les Vases Communicants). Prague: Spolek výtvarných umělců Mánes, 1934
  2. Bohuslav Brouk, Manželství : Sanatorium pro Méněcenné (Marriage : Sanatorium for the Inferior). Prague: Bohuslav Brouk, 1937
  3. Walter Greenwood, Láska na Podporu : Pohádka Dvou Měst (Love on the Dole : a Tale of Two Cities). Prague: Družstevní práce, 1937
  4. T. Svatopluk, Gordonův Trust Žaluje (Gordon's Trust Sues). Brno: Nakladatelství Průboj, Karel Smolka, 1940

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