Maize and Cockscombs

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Artist unknown

Maize and Cockscombs, mid 17th century

Six-panel screen; ink, color, and gold on paper
170.2 x 357 cm (67 in x 140 1/2 in.)
Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1959.599



Although cockscomb is native to Japan, maize was introduced there from the West within a century of this work’s creation. The artist of this screen, unknown to us today, created a compelling and innovative vision of these two very different plants. The curled leaves of the maize splay outward and flop over lazily, while the bright red stalks of the cockscombs stand proudly erect.

This screen was originally the right half of a pair, and though it is difficult to determine where these screens would have been displayed in an interior, it appears that the work is by an artist of the studio of Tawaraya Sotatsu (active 1602–c. 1640) in Kyoto or Kanazawa, whose compositions are known for their botanical accuracy and who were sponsored by prominent aristocrats and warrior lords.

Rotation 1: June 26-August 9, 2009

During the Edo period, the prosperity and political unification of Japan under the ruling Tokugawa shoguns led to the emergence of a magnificent Japanese decorative style characterized by a love of bold patterns and bright colors. This new style was supported by the military class, a disenfranchised aristocracy, and a thriving class of merchants and entrepreneurs. The surviving half of an original pair, this splendid screen elegantly embodies both the techniques of ancient court painters and the curiosity and confidence so prevalent in the Edo period. Bursting with sensual fullness, the maize and cockscombs are rendered with the accuracy of a botanical drawing, a testimony to the era’s interest in natural science. The appearance of maize, a grain not native to Japan, indicates a willingness to assimilate new subject matter on the part of Edo artists and patrons.

— Entry, Essential Guide, 2009, p. 95.