Building a Boat

Lesson plan based on Model Boat
Estimate and compare the size and quantity of wood needed to make an ancient Egyptian boat using human rowers as units of measure.
Skills and Focus: Calculation, Measuring
Subject Area: Mathematics
Thematic Connection: Counting and Calculating
Grade Level: Secondary School
Time Needed: 50 minutes
Use numerical ratios to measure an object of unknown size using an object of known size as a measuring tool.
Instructional Materials Needed
Rulers, paper, pencils, colored pencil

Step 1: Distribute copies of the model boat to each student. Have students measure the length of the boat and the distance from the hips to the top of the head of each rower.
Step 2: Distribute a copy of the mummys xray to each student. Students should measure the height of the mummy with the ruler and the height of the mummys torso and head. We know that the mummy was 55" tall. Use the ratio of torso and head: total height of the mummy to estimate the distance from his hips to the top of his head.
Step 3: Assuming the height derived in step 2 is the same as the height of the rowers, students can use this height to estimate the total length, width and depth of the boat.
Step 4: Determine the amount of wood that would be needed to build the boat, assuming that 6.3 meters of wood are needed for every 10 feet of the boats length.
This activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and sense of numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, and proportions.
This activity meets Illinois State Goal 7: Estimate, make, and use measurements of objects, quantities, and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.
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