Study of a Harlequin

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Paul Cézanne
French, 1839-1906

Study of a Harlequin, c. 1888

Graphite on ivory laid paper
478 x 317 mm
Margaret Day Blake Collection, 1944.577

Exhibition, Publication and Ownership Histories

Exhibition History

Berlin, Thannhauser Galleries, "Exhibition of French Masters," 1927, cat. 36.

Basel, Switzerland, Kunsthalle Basel, "Meisterzeichnungen freanzösischer Künstler von Ingres bis Cézanne," June 29–August 18, 1935, cat. 109.

Basel, Switzerland, Kunsthalle Basel, "Paul Cézanne," 1936, cat. 137.

Paris, Grand Palais, "Centennaire de Paul Cézanne," March-April 1939, p. 11, cat. 45.

Lyon, France, Musée de Lyon, "Centennaire de Paul Cézanne," May 1939, n.p., cat. 70.

New York, The Museum of Modern Art, "Modern Drawings," 1944, pp. 26 and 89, cat. by Monroe Wheeler.

The Art Institute of Chicago, "Drawings Old and New," 1946, pp. 10-11, cat. 8, pl. XXII, cat. by Carl Schniewind.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, "Masterpieces of Drawings," November 4, 1950-February 11, 1951, n.p., cat. 102 (ill.).

The Art Institute of Chicago, "Cézanne: Paintings, Watercolors & Drawings," 1952, p. 65, cat. 72 (ill.); traveled to New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Paris, Musée de l’Orangerie, "De David à Toulouse-Lautrec," 1955, cat. 56, pl. 64.

New York, Wildenstein and Company, "Master Drawings from The Art Institute of Chicago," October 17-November 30, 1963, cat. 108.

The Art Institute of Chicago, "A Quarter Century of Collecting: Drawings Given to The Art Institute of Chicago, 1944-1970 by Margaret Day Blake," April 28-June 7, 1970, n.p., cat. 34 (ill.).

Washington D.C., The Phillips Collection, "Cézanne: An Exhibition in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Phillips Collection," 1971, p. 108, cat. 80 (ill.); also traveled to The Art Institute of Chicago, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Urbana-Champaign, Ill., Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Drawings from the Collections of The Art Institute of Chicago, April 23–May 14, 1972.

Paris, Musée du Louvre, "Dessins français de l’Art Institute de Chicago de Watteau à Picasso," October 15, 1976-January 17, 1977, n.p., cat. 61 (ill.).

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut, "Französische Zeichnungen aus dem Art Institute of Chicago," February 10-April 10, 1977, pp. 144-145, cat. 69 (ill.).

Philadelphia Museum of Art, "Cezanne," May 26-August 18, 1996, pp. 312-315, cat. 123 (ill.).

Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, "Cezanne and the Past: Tradition and Creativity", October 25, 2012 - February 17, 2013, pp. 327, 329, cat 67 (ill.), cat. by Judith Gesko, et. al.

Publication History

Lionello Venturi, Cézanne: Son Art—Son Oeuvre (Paris, 1936), p. 326, no. 1486 (ill.).

Vogue CIII (May 1, 1944), p. 123 (ill.).

Carl O. Schniewind, "Chicago reveals its master portfolio," Art News (March, 1946), pp. 18-23 (ill).

Hans Tietze, European Master Drawings in the United States (New York, 1947), pp. 300-301, no. 150 (ill.).

Adrien Chappuis, Dessins de Cézanne (Lausanne, 1957), no. 16 (ill.), 941.

Alfred Neumeyer, Cézanne Drawings (New York, 1958), p. 42, no. 23 (ill.).

Kurt Seligmann, "A Letter," The Art Institute of Chicago Quarterly, XLVI:3, p. 46 (ill.).

Francois Mathey, Les Impressionnistes (Paris, 1959), p. 142 (ill.).

François Mathey, The Impressionists (New York, 1961), pp. 138 (ill) and 280.

Stephen Longstreet, The Drawings of Cézanne (Los Angeles, 1964) (ill.).

Adrien Chappuis, Drawings of Cézanne (Greenwich, N.Y., 1973), p. 221, no. 941 (ill.).

Herold Joachim, “Trois siècles de portraits dessinés à l’Art Institute de Chicago,” L’Oeil, 255 (October 1976), p. 8, no. 2 (ill.).

Yvon Taillandier, P. Cezanne, trans. by Graham Snell (New York, 1977), p. 65 (ill.)

Harold Joachim and Sandra Haller Olsen, French Drawings and Sketchbooks of the 19th Century II (Chicago, 1979), pp. 13-14, no. 1C6.

Nina Kallmyer, Cézanne and Provence (Chicago, 2002).

Ownership History

The artist’s son, Paul Cézanne, Paris [Venturi 1936]. Walther Halvorsen, Oslo and Paris [a letter from Justin Thannhauser to Carl Schniewind, September 21, 1945 in curatorial file]. Justin K. Thannhauser Galerie, Lucerne and New York, by 1936-at least 1939 [Philadelphia 1996; Paris 1939]; his cousin, Siegfried Rosengart (died 1985), Lucerne [Paris 1977]; sold by Justin K. Thannhauser to the Art Institute, 1944.