December 11, 2010–July 20, 2011

Our understanding of the world is based on connecting and interpreting ideas according to associations and the juxtaposition of information within a given context. Appropriating the ambidextrous term, hyperlinks, this exhibition of collaborative experimentation suggest a new paradigm shift that we see occurring across the fields of architecture and design based on a fluid exchange between disciplines. The linking or accumulation of data helps us form a complex picture of daily life leading to greater interaction, engagement, and understanding of our place in the world. By fostering rigorous, cross-disciplinary relations, architects and designers are carving out new avenues for experimentation that are helping shape insightful solutions to urgent issues such as our well-being and our health and safety, ultimately enhancing the quality of our daily lives. Not always intended as ends in themselves, however, multi-disciplinary practices can also be used as experiments into under-explored issues meant to motivate reflection on the values, mores, and practices that are often overlooked in society. Discover the innovative ways architects and designers are probing beyond the confines of their fields to explore new directions and innovative solutions to current cultural conditions.
Matali Crasset. Spring City in Mexico (detail), 2008. Private Collection. Courtesy of the Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris / Salzburg.