La Tauromaquia, o arte de torear (1 of 2)
José Delgado y Gálvez. La Tauromaquia, o arte de torear: obra utilísima para los toreros dee profesión, para los aficionados y para toda clase de sujetos que gusten de toros. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., 1959. Cramer, no. 100.
In 1927, publisher Gustavo Gili, Sr. commissioned Picasso to illustrate a famous text from 1796 about bullfighting, La Tauromaquia, o arte de torear, written by the bullfighter Pepe Illo (an alias of Galvez Delgado). The Spanish Civil War, along with other things, interruptedthe project; it took nearly 30 years for it to be resur- rected by the original publisher's son and dear friend of Picasso's, Gustavo Gili, Jr. Picasso had a life-long passion for bullfighting, and this book captures that more than any other of his publications.
There are 26 aquatints drawn directly on the copperplates.
"The Mark of Modernism: Published Picasso," Case 2, Ryerson & Burnham Libraries, February 12-April 22, 2013