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(Russian, founded 1924)
Samuil Iakovlevich Marshak
(Born Voronezh, 1887; died Moscow, 1964)
Aleksandr Borisovich Raskin
(Born Vitebsk, 1914; died Moscow, 1971)
Moris Romanovich Slobodskoi
(Born St. Petersburg, 1913; died Moscow, 1991)

Superbestiality, TASS No. 0124, after August 11, 1941

Offset lithograph
993 x 699 mm
Our peasants understand the meaning of racial purity. If we are justly proud of our Prussian cows, which are in many respects better than Herfordshire cows, then none of us will start being proud of Heine and the mongrel Einstein. Thinking of the constitution of the race, we must draw inspiration from the experiences of our peasants- (Volkischer Beobachter).

The purity of Aryan blood
Is respected in the cow.
The pure-blooded Prussian beast
Is better than all other breeds.

The Germans piously venerate
Neither Einstein nor Heine,
But the cow and the bull,
Because the cow
Has an enlightened mind and a healthy spirit.
And from Heine
And Einstein,
You get neither calves nor milk!

We shall provide all the right conditions,
So that, from now on,
Our blood will be pure,
Like the cow's.
And we must breed
Like the cow,
Creating herds
Of pure-blooded livestock
So that the father looking at his son,
Can say with pride:
"A genuine beast,
Just like his father and mother."
Ne boltai! Collection, Obj: 203385