Let Us Accelerate Victory!

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Konstantin Aleksandrovich Vialov
(Born Moscow, 1900; died Moscow, 1976)
Vasilii Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach
(Born Moscow, 1898; died Moscow, 1949)

Let Us Accelerate Victory!, TASS No. 0719, May 20, 1943

1805 x 795 mm
Victories don't just fall into your hands.
Without equipment we cannot beat the enemy.
Our victories are built and forged
By Stakhanovite labor and perseverance.

Today's victory was helped along
By work done yesterday.
Worker-fighters and craftsmen-fighters
Attain victory alongside soldiers.

Work together, comrades! With a labor attack
Let’s support the zeal of combat attack.
Success on the front will sound like an echo
Of our work and our success.
Ne boltai! Collection, Obj: 205815