Fire Prevention

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Konstantin Aleksandrovich Vialov
(Born Moscow, 1900; died Moscow, 1976)
Aleksei Ivanovich Mashistov
(Birth and death dates unknown)

Fire Prevention, TASS No. 0783, August 30, 1943

Here is a big and sturdy house
Lets take a look inside
And head up to the attic.
It used to look like this:

Where sentry posts
Should keep close watch,
There roamed and meowed
Only moonlit cats.

The buckets and sand
And axes and shovels
Were stolen from the stairs
By everyone, both kids and adults.

And for these acts of negligence
The building manager was fired.

Another came and very soon
He involved all tenants in work
And soon the house completely changed:
He sealed the attic tight
And imposed a strict schedule of watches,
Setting sentries for the air raids.

A water bucket and chest with sand
Were placed right near the door.
And hooks and shovels were obtained,
He filled the pots with water
And stored all this inventory in order
Under the eves.

A water source would do no harm;
Well, let’s keep it in mind.

Comrade! Keep your house and factory
In order and battle-ready.
Ne boltai! Collection, Obj: 205864