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Artist Unknown
Flowers of All Seasons, mid-17th century
Pair six-panel screens; ink, color, and gold on paper
Ea. 136.5 x 312 cm
Gift of Emily Crane Chadbourne, 1926.1045-1926.1046
These screens, with their gold-leaf backgrounds covered with rhythmic arrays of the flowers of spring, summer, and autumn, were the very first ones to enter the Art Institute’s collection in 1926.
Compositions such as this are known in Japanese as hyakkazu (multitude of flowers), and dozens remain from the seventeenth century that are impressed with the seal reading “I’nen,” which was used by the followers of Tawaraya Sotatsu (active 1602–c. 1640) in Kyoto and Kanazawa. This new type of decorative composition coincided with an explosion of interest in botany among the shogun and regional warlords that reached all levels of society in the Edo period (1615–1868).
The right screen features thick-stemmed hollyhocks, roses, chrysanthemums, bushclover, pampas grass, field horsetail shoots, dandelions, and diminutive violets. The left screen contains sorghum, amaranthus, delicate blossoming pinks, cockscombs, poppies, thistle, and begonias. Close to the bottom edge are eggplants. The artists who specialized in screens such as this did not limit themselves to the flowers and grasses mentioned in classical court poetry, but were the first to include varieties of vegetables in their compositions.
Rotation 1: June 26-August 9, 2009