Would you like to learn more about Japanese screens? The curator has worked with the Ryerson librarians to put together a list of recommended books. Many of these books are available on a special shelf in the Ryerson Library.
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Exhibition Catalogue
Katz, Janice.. Exh. cat. The Art Institute of Chicago/Yale University Press. Available for purchase online.
General Information
Buckland, Rosina. Golden Fantasies: Japanese Screens from New York Collections. New York: Asia Society, 2004.
Cunningham, Michael R. Unfolding Beauty: Japanese Screens from the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 2001.
Grilli, Elise. The Art of the Japanese Screen. New York: Weatherhill, 1970.
Jidai byobu shuka, 2 vols. Kyoto: Shikosha, 1990.
Klein, Bettina. “Japanese Kinbyobu: The Gold-leafed Folding Screens of the Muromachi Period (1333–1573).” Artibus Asiae, vol. 45 nos. 1–3, 1984. (available on JSTOR)
Kuroda, Taizo. Worlds Seen and imagined : Japanese screens from the Idemitsu Museum of Arts. New York: Asia Society Galleries, 1995.
McKelway, Matthew. Capitalscapes: Folding Screens and Political Imagination in Late Medieval Kyoto. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006.
Momoyama no hana : byobu fusumae. Tokyo: Santori Bijutsukan, 1989.
Murase, Miyeko. Masterpieces of Japanese Screen Painting: The American Collections. New York: G. Braziller, 1990.
Muromachi jidai no byobue. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1989.
Nihon byobue shusei, 18 vols. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1977–1981.
Watsky, Andrew. Chikubushima: Deploying the Sacred Arts in Momoyama Japan. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2004. For use of screens as historical documents.
Zaigai Nihon no shiho, v. 4. Tokyo: Mainichi Shimbunsha, 1979–1981.
Reizei Tamechika. Twelve Poetic Immortals and Their Poems (detail), 1850. Kato Real Estate Fund.