
Express Talk: Rembrandt and the Printing Press
February 4 at 12:00
Gallery 100
Art Plus: Rembrandt and His Time*
Fridays, February 20March 26, at 11:00
Fullerton Hall and Rubloff Auditorium
This lecture series puts the great masters work into the broad
context of his era. For details and registration information, click
Art Plus: Rembrandts Theater*
within the Frame
Tuesdays, March 1630, 11:0012:30
Fullerton Hall
A three-week lecture series explores Rembrandts use of dramatic techniques, including blocking, pose, gesture, costume, and lighting. Course includes slide commentary, actors on stage, and recorded music. For details and registration information, click here.
Exhibition Overviews
March 17, 31, April 14, 28 at 12:00
Fullerton Hall
Escorts for the Blind
March 10, April 21, May 5 at 9:45
Use Columbus Drive entrance.
Free, but registration is required. Call (312) 443-3929.
Rembrandt: Paint As Embodied Experience
March 11 at 2:15
Rubloff Auditorium
Daniel Barber, art historian. A coffee reception in the Trading Room
precedes the lecture. For tickets, call (312) 443-3915.
Recognizing Rembrandt: Intimate Insights into His Prints and Drawings
March 24 at 2:15
Rubloff Auditorium
Suzanne Folds McCullagh, exhibition curator. A coffee reception in the Trading Room precedes the lecture. For tickets, call (312) 443-3915.
Sketches to Cartoons: Rembrandts Drawings for His Prints
May 7 at 12:00
Fullerton Hall
Martin Royalton-Kisch, art historian
Rembrandts Journey
February 24 at 6:00
Fullerton Hall
Suzanne Folds McCullagh, exhibition curator
Art Plus: Rembrandts Eyes*
Tuesdays, February 17, 24, March 9 at 5:30
Trustees Room
In this reading course, art historian Simon Schamas dynamic cultural biography invites readers to experience Rembrandts Amsterdam with a master storytellers wit and profound, often provocative, insight. For registration information, click here.
Painting Techniques of Rembrandt
March 9 at 6:00
Fullerton Hall
Phoebe Dent Weil, art historian, and Sarah Belchetz-Swenson, artist
Rembrandt and the Lure of the Antique
April 13 at 6:00
Fullerton Hall
Mariët Westermann, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
University Night
April 22, 5:308:30
Use Columbus Drive entrance.
This free tour of the exhibition is offered to university faculty and students. Registration is required. Call (312) 857-7182.
Lecture Series: Manet and the Modernist Legacy
Fridays, October 1024, at 11:00 a.m.
Saturdays, October 1125, at 11:00 a.m.
October 10/11: Legacies of the Grand Tradition:
Early-19th-Century Seascapes
October 17/18:
Manets Marine Paintings:
Tradition and Innovation
October 24/25:
Views of the Sea in Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Margaret Farr, art historian
For tickets, call 312-575-8000.
morton auditorium
Voices for Rembrandt
Fullerton Hall
March 4: Joseph and Other Stories
March 11: Hand to Hand
March 18: Rubenss Grand Gestures
March 25: Van Goghs Humble Nobility
April 8: Life of Christ
For a schedule of ongoing Voices programs, click here.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Music Series*
March 7 at 2:00
Fullerton Hall
For tickets, call the CSO at (312) 294-3030.
Rembrandts Amsterdam
March 23 at 6:00
Fullerton Hall
Ars Antigua plays period music with Joel Spears, lute, and Katinka Kleijn, cello.
For tickets, call 312-575-8000.
Please use Columbus Drive entrance.
Click here for registration information.
All family programs meet in the Kraft Education Center.
The Artists Studio: Picture Yourself!
Saturdays and Sundays in March, 12:303:30, all ages
Drawing in the Galleries: Figure Drawing
April 18, 25
10:3011:30, ages 68 with an adult
2:003:30, ages 9 and up with an adult
Workshop: The Printers Studio*
April 3
9:0012:00, ages 9 and up with an adult
Limit: 25
To register, call (312) 857-7161.
For more information on family programs, click here.
Rembrandt the Etcher*
Saturdays, January 31, February 7, 14
For details and to register, click here.
For information on bringing your student group, click here.
Above: The Landscape with the Three Trees, 1643, etching, drypoint, and engraving, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, H. O. Havemeyer Collection, bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer