Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Self-Portrait Moving Day Archibald Motleys family moved to Chicago from the South around the turn of the 20th century. The Great Migration, a period from the early 1900s to the 1960s, brought hundreds of African American families to the North in search of better-paying jobs and improved living conditions. Discuss what it would feel like to relocate to a new city. Would it be exciting? Scary? What would you take with you and why? Have students pretend they are moving to another city of their own choosing. Instruct them to write a journal entry about their journey, taking into consideration their potential fears and anticipations. Share these with the class. Compare these entries with personal accounts of real people who have moved to Chicago from other parts of the world. As an alternative, have students pack a suitcase for their trip. Have students create a suitcase using a shoebox, pillowcase, or bag. Engage students in a discussion about the items they would take with them if they were to move to another city. Discuss the difference between wants and needs. Have them make a list of items that they would need in their new home. Instruct students to draw, construct, or cut out images of the objects they listed and place these in the suitcase. Display the suitcases around the classroom. Illinois Learning Standards: 3B, 16B, 18C |
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