In 2003 Chris Ware collaborated with Ira Glass for a touring stage show of the radio program This American Life. Illustrated by Ware and narrated by Chicago Cultural Historian Tim Samuelson, the short feature tells the story of Richard Nickel, a photographer who dedicated his life to preserving the buildings of Louis Sullivan in the 60s and 70s as they were being demolished. Nickel’s work was the foundation for The Complete Works of Adler and Sullivan, which was later completed by The Richard Nickel Committee. Ware was also the exhibition designer for Louis Sullivan’s Idea, an exhibition curated by Tim Samuelson at the Chicago Cultural Center in 2010.

  1. Scene from the program Lost Buildings by Chris Ware. This American Life, 2003.
  2. Scene from the program Lost Buildings by Chris Ware. This American Life, 2003.
  3. Scene from the program Lost Buildings by Chris Ware. This American Life, 2003.
  4. Scene from the program Lost Buildings by Chris Ware. This American Life, 2003.
  5. E. Rothschild and Brothers Store by Adler and Sullivan (built 1881). Albert Levy’s Architectural Photographic Series. New York: A. Levy, 1885-1895.
  6. E. Rothschild and Brothers Store, photograph by Richard Nickel. Richard Nickel Archive, 1850-2011.
  7. Schiller Building Interior by Adler and Sullivan, photograph by Richard Nickel (built 1892). Richard Nickel Archive, 1850-2011.
  8. Protest at Chicago Stock Exchange, photograph by Richard Nickel, 1971. Richard Nickel Archive, 1850-2011.
  9. Chicago Stock Exchange by Adler and Sullivan, photograph by Richard Nickel (built 1894). Richard Nickel Archive, 1850-2011.

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