
science, art, and technology > lesson plans > THE CONNECTION BETWEEN PIGMENT AND LIGHT COLORS, PART II

The Connection Between Pigment and Light Colors, Part II

Teacher: Mae Eubanks-Love
School: Flower High School
Title: The Connection Between Pigment and Light Colors, Part II
Suggested Grade Level: High School
Subjects: Physics and Chemistry
Time: 20 minutes

State Goals and Chicago Academic Standards

Most pigments are made of atoms or molecules (two or more atoms bonded together) that selectively absorb, transmit, and reflect certain wavelengths of light. Basic pigment colors are red, yellow, and blue. These are identified as primary pigments because no other colors can be mixed to produce them. A primary pigment’s color depends on the color of light it reflects.

1. Learn the procedure for mixing secondary colors from primary pigments
2. Observe the results of mixing two primary colors.

Tempera paints in five colors: red, yellow, blue, white, and black
White drawing paper
Paper towels

Have students
1. Draw four large circles on their papers.
2. Mix the following pigments in equal proportions on their papers. Record results in data Table 4.
Red and yellow.
Red and blue
Yellow and blue
Yellow, red, and blue
3. Clean up their work stations
4. Discuss observation at the end of the period

Evaluate students based on class participation, discussion, and the completion of the worksheet.

State Goals and Chicago Academic Standards

State Goal 12/Chicago Academic Standard D
Chicago Framework Statement 1

Conceptual Statement—Chicago Program of Study
Energy can be transferred by a series of vibrations known as waves. This is true of sound and electromagnetic radiation.

Supporting Ideas
Light is an electromagnetic energy in the form of transverse waves. Within a certain range of frequencies, these waves produce the sensation of sight. Light is described in terms of color, frequency, wavelength, and intensity. Because light waves are transverse, they may be polarized. Light waves do not require a medium to travel.

The color of an object is dependent on the frequency of light reflected or transmitted to the eye. Different combinations of frequencies produce different colors.

Reflection occurs when a wave encounters a barrier and bounces off. The Law of Reflection states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Mirrors give good evidence of this law.

State Goal 12/Chicago Academic Statement C
Chicago Framework Statements 1, 2

Conceptual Statement—Chicago Program of Study

Matter occupies space and has mass. Understanding atomic structure is the basic foundation for investigating matter. The identification of matter is made possible through physical description.

Supporting Idea
Trends in physical properties and their correlation to the atomic structure of elements are found in the periodic table.