The Science, Art, and Technology course and Web site were funded by the Polk Bros. Foundation and produced by The Art Institute of Chicago. Special thanks to the following individuals for their organization, participation, and support. Sandra P. Guthman, CEO of the Polk Bros. Foundation; Pamela Bannos; Joe Barabe; Ryan Bailey; Dan Barber; Chris Chiaverina; Steven Weintraub; Andrzej Dajnowski; Laurie Hogin; Farhad Zadeh; James Elkins and Eduardo Kac of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Melanie Wojtulewicz, Sam Dyson, Marilyn Havelik, Karen Jennings, Ed Metzel, Steven Fox, Carol Widegreen, Deborah Brooks-Crutcher, Sheri Delp, Rita Koziarski, Debra Lester, Mae Love, Stella Muir, Marian Murphy, Patricia Riley, Christine Smith, and James West, and Karen williams of Chicago Public Schools; from The Art Institute of Chicago: Robert Eskridge, Amy Babinec, Jane Clarke, Maria Marable-Bunch, Christine Mitton, Rita McCarthy, David Stark, Linde Brady, and Robin Schnur of the Department of Museum Education; Inge Fiedler, Bonnie Rimer, and Frank Zuccari of the Department of Conservation; Lyn DelliQuadri, Amanda Brodie, and Susanna Kim of the Department of Graphics and Communication Services; and Alan Newman and William Foster of the Department of Imaging; and Norman Lederman, Judith Sweeney Lederman, and Christine Tantoco of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Web-site design by Raúl Silva.
Project Director: Rita E. McCarthy, associate director, student and teacher programs, Department of Museum Education