One of the most important figures in the Czech avant-garde, Karel Teige was not only greatly influential in Czech book design and typography between the wars but also a leading Czech art theorist and one of the founders of the Devětsil group. Influenced by Constructivism in the early 1920s, Teige used photomontage, photography and typography in many of his book cover designs. Later, Teige's designs, such as those here for Devětsil poet Vítězslav Nezval, reveal the growing influence of Surrealism on his work. Teige's impact is present through much of this exhibition, especially in the designs of other Devětsil artists.

  1. Vladimír Lidin, Mořský Průvam (Sea Breeze). Prague: Aventium, 1925
  2. Karel Teige, Práce Jaromíra Krejcara (The Work of Jaromir Krejcar). Prague: Nakladatel Václav Petr, 1933
  3. Vítězslav Nezval, Neviditelná Moskva (The Invisible Moscow). Prague: Fr. Borový, 1935
  4. Vítězslav Nezval, Pantomima (Pantomime). Prague: Fr. Borový, 1935
  5. Vítězslav Nezval, Praha s Prsty Deště (Prague with the Fingers of Rain). Prague: Fr. Borový, 1936

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