Douglas Garofalo, born in Schenectady, New York, established an architectural practice in Chicago in 1988 that undertakes buildings, projects, research, and teaching. The work of Garofalo Architects has been widely recognized for its innovative and creative approaches to the art of building. With projects that vary in scale and location, the firm has actively pursued architectural design to include forms of collaboration that cross both geographical boundaries and professional disciplines, extending conventional design practices by taking full advantage of the capacity of electronic media. Garofalo’s office is currently working on the new Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago and the Center for the Visual Arts on the campus of Western Michigan University. Garofalo received his bachelor of architecture degree from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree from Yale University in 1987. He is currently a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Architecture.
Chicago Plans
This installation addresses recent plans for the future of Chicago outlined in a report called “Chicago Metropolis 2020: Preparing Metropolitan Chicago for the 21st Century,” created by a committee of civic and business leaders in Chicago to ensure the preeminence of Chicago in the 21st century. The report was published without images of any kind. Garofalo’s Chicago Plans visually conveys some future qualities and attributes outlined in the Chicago Metropolis 2020 plan, in the form of student design projects solicited from local schools.
Architect’s statement
Our space addresses recent plans for the future of Chicago that, unlike the famed 1909 “Plan of Chicago,” are without design imagery of any kind. In contrast to the policy-based plans from the recent pastand even the 1909 scheme that draws out an all-encompassing and singular vision for the citywe wish to visually convey some future qualities and attributes of Chicago based on emergent and mostly digital technology and media
It is also important that these visions come from the future inhabitants and designers of the city: students. This particular section of the overall exhibition functions as an “illumination” of the Chicago Metropolis 2020 plan in the form of student design projects solicited from local schools. The intent of our layout is to associate visionary and conceptual information in a variety of mediaboth virtual and physicaland to make these visions legible to the general public.