Graphics used in Ralph Johnson’s installation, Digital Burnham: The Information Layer.
Chicago Architecture: Ten Visions
November 26, 2004April 3, 2005
Regenstein Hall
Chicago Architecture: Ten Visions is free with general admission and open to the public during regular museum hours. General admission to the museum is $12 for adults; $7 for children, students, and seniors. (Admission fees are suggested; visitors pay what they wish but must pay something.) Children ages five and under are admitted free of charge. Members are always admitted to the museum free of charge. Tuesdays are free for everyone thanks to the Ford Motor Company.
Chicago Architecture: Ten Visions can be seen during regular museum hours.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 10:304:30
Thursday 10:308:00
Friday 10:304:30
Saturday, Sunday 10:005:00
Security guards begin to close the galleries 15 minutes before the end of the day. The museum is open every day except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Chicago Architecture: Ten Visions is organized by the Art Institute of Chicago’s Department of Architecture.
Martha Thorne, associate curator, Department of Architecture, the Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago Architecture: Ten Visions is made possible by the Bank of America.

This exhibition is supported by The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation and the Benefactors of Architecture of the Art Institute of Chicago. Ongoing support is provided by the Architecture and Design Society.